A downloadable game

"Hack 'N' Slash" is an action game, a hybrid of a hack and slash (obviously) and rougelike  game, in which you fight your way through a murky levels of evil corporation facility in a high-performance gameplay in order to save yourself and put a definitive end to robot opression.

-> The game is officialy released but is still in development to provide new features in future updates!!!

After you finish playing be sure to fill quick survey that will help us develop the game!

Survey:  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeVV_adkZbD4bsXet949XJ4iRHXGJGDOG3Nukxi...

Thank you!

"W,S,A,D" - Movement
“Mouse” - Rotation
"LM" - Shoot / Drop Items In EQ / Add To Trade
“RM” - Pick Up Items
"1,2,3,4” - Using Skills
“Shift” - Dash
"E" - Interactions with NPC
"I" - Equipment (Backpack)

Made by:
- Paweł Stelmach
- Jakub Skwiercz
- Jakub Góralczyk

Install instructions:
1. Unzip
2. Click on the .exe file
3. Enjoy :)


Hack'N'Slash - Windows 118 MB
Hack'N'Slash - Linux 121 MB